Select your language


  • Windows 10 or later. ( Might run on Windows 7 but not supported )
  • SETX : Open a command prompt and type setx /? to check. ( Included in windows 10+ as of this date )
  • Be a windows Admin user.
  • Download and install the latest Bearsampp Prerequisites Package. ( Required )


Download the latest release

View all Bearsampp releases

*See our FAQ for a list of the differences in versions


Bearsampp offers several versions of the various binaries, applications and tools for download:


Use a file archiver that supports 7z format like 7zip and extract the archive where you want.

You should not have any white-spaces in the path to Bearsampp as that will cause problems on some modules.


Before starting Bearsampp, edit the configuration file Bearsampp.conf :

  • lang - Language (see Bearsampp\core\langs folder for a complete list). Default : english
  • timezone - The default timezone used by all date/time functions. Default : "America/Chicago"
  • notepad - The editor while opening files. Default : "notepad.exe"
  • logsVerbose - Control the log output verbose (0=simple, 1=report, 2=debug, 3=trace). Default : 0
  • scriptsTimeout - The default timeout when VBS/Batch are executed. May vary depending on your system. Default : 120

The language, browser & log level can also be changed by right clicking on the icon and changing them there.


Launch Bearsampp.exe.


All instructions to upgrade from a previous release are added in the Upgrade notes page.

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