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13 Feb 2025

Python 3.12.8-b2 Released!

New packages:

  • aiohappyeyeballs 2.4.4 (Happy Eyeballs for asyncio)

  • anthropic 0.42.0 (The official Python library for the anthropic API)

  • eval_type_backport 0.2.2 (Like typing._eval_type, but lets older Python versions use newer typing features.)

  • google_auth 2.37.0 (Google Authentication Library)

  • griffe 1.5.4 (Signatures for entire Python programs)

  • groq 0.13.1 (The official Python library for the groq API)

  • jsonpatch 1.33 (Apply JSON-Patches (RFC 6902) )

  • jsonpath_python 1.0.6 (A more powerful JSONPath implementation in modern python)

  • langchain 0.3.13 (Building applications with LLMs through composability)

  • langchain_core 0.3.28 (Building applications with LLMs through composability)

  • langchain_text_splitters 0.3.4 (LangChain text splitting utilities)

  • langsmith 0.2.6 (Client library to connect to the LangSmith LLM Tracing and Evaluation Platform.)

  • logfire_api 2.11.0 (Shim for the Logfire SDK which does nothing unless Logfire is installed)

  • mistralai 1.2.5 (Python Client SDK for the Mistral AI API.)

  • osqp 0.6.7.post1 (OSQP: The Operator Splitting QP Solver)

  • propcache 0.2.1 (Accelerated property cache)

  • pyasn1 0.4.8 (ASN.1 types and codecs)

  • pyasn1_modules 0.2.8 (A collection of ASN.1-based protocols modules.)

  • pydantic_ai 0.0.15 (Agent Framework / shim to use Pydantic with LLMs)

  • pydantic_ai_slim 0.0.15 (Agent Framework / shim to use Pydantic with LLMs, slim package)

  • qdldl 0.1.7.post4 (QDLDL, a free LDL factorization routine.)

  • rsa 4.7.2 (Pure-Python RSA implementation)

  • termcolor 2.5.0 (ANSI color formatting for output in terminal)

  • tiktoken 0.8.0 (tiktoken is a fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models)

  • typing_inspect 0.9.0 (Runtime inspection utilities for typing module.)

Upgraded packages:

  • adbc_driver_manager 0.11.0 → 1.3.0 (A generic entrypoint for ADBC drivers.)

  • aiohttp 3.9.5 → 3.11.11 (Async http client/server framework (asyncio))

  • altair 5.4.1 → 5.5.0 (Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.)

  • anyio 4.4.0 → 4.7.0 (High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations)

  • astropy 6.1.0 → 6.1.6 (Astronomy and astrophysics core library)

  • astropy_iers_data 0.2024. → 0.2024. (IERS Earth Rotation and Leap Second tables for the astropy core package)

  • babel 2.15.0 → 2.16.0 (Internationalization utilities)

  • black 24.8.0 → 24.10.0 (The uncompromising code formatter.)

  • bokeh 3.5.1 → 3.6.1 (Interactive plots and applications in the browser from Python)

  • branca 0.7.2 → 0.8.0 (Generate complex HTML+JS pages with Python)

  • build 1.2.1 → 1.2.2.post1 (A simple, correct Python build frontend)

  • cachetools 5.3.3 → 5.4.0 (Extensible memoizing collections and decorators)

  • cffi 1.16.0 → 1.17.1 (Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code.)

  • charset_normalizer 3.3.2 → 3.4.0 (The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet.)

  • contourpy 1.2.1 → 1.3.1 (Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids)

  • cvxpy 1.5.0 → 1.6.0 (A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python.)

  • dask 2024.7.1 → 2024.12.1 (Parallel PyData with Task Scheduling)

  • dask_expr 1.1.9 → 1.1.21 (High Level Expressions for Dask )

  • distributed 2024.7.1 → 2024.12.1 (Distributed scheduler for Dask)

  • duckdb 1.0.0 → 1.1.3 (DuckDB in-process database)

  • fastapi 0.111.1 → 0.115.6 (FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production)

  • fiona 1.9.5 → 1.10.1 (Fiona reads and writes spatial data files)

  • folium 0.17.0 → 0.18.0 (Make beautiful maps with Leaflet.js & Python)

  • fonttools 4.51.0 → 4.55.3 (Tools to manipulate font files)

  • frozenlist 1.4.1 → 1.5.0 (A list-like structure which implements

  • greenlet 3.0.3 → 3.1.1 (Lightweight in-process concurrent programming)

  • guidata 3.6.2 → 3.7.1 (Automatic GUI generation for easy dataset editing and display)

  • h5py 3.10.0 → 3.12.1 (Read and write HDF5 files from Python)

  • hatchling 1.25.0 → 1.27.0 (Modern, extensible Python build backend)

  • holoviews 1.19.1 → 1.20.0 (A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews.)

  • httpie 3.2.3 → 3.2.4 (HTTPie: modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era.)

  • httpx 0.27.0 → 0.27.2 (The next generation HTTP client.)

  • huggingface_hub 0.24.5 → 0.27.0 (Client library to download and publish models, datasets and other repos on the hub)

  • hvplot 0.10.0 → 0.11.2 (A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews.)

  • jellyfish 1.0.3 → 1.1.3 (Approximate and phonetic matching of strings.)

  • jiter 0.5.0 → 0.8.2 (Fast iterable JSON parser.)

  • jupyter 1.0.0 → 1.1.1 (Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go.)

  • jupyterlab 4.2.5 → 4.3.4 (JupyterLab computational environment)

  • keras 3.5.0 → 3.7.0 (Multi-backend Keras)

  • kiwisolver 1.4.5 → 1.4.7 (A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver)

  • llvmlite 0.43.0 → 0.44.0rc2 (lightweight wrapper around basic LLVM functionality)

  • lxml 5.2.2 → 5.3.0 (Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API.)

  • matplotlib 3.9.2 → 3.10.0 (Python plotting package)

  • ml_dtypes 0.4.0 → 0.5.0 ()

  • multidict 6.0.5 → 6.1.0 (multidict implementation)

  • mypy 1.11.1 → 1.14.0 (Optional static typing for Python)

  • narwhals 1.5.5 → 1.15.2 (Extremely lightweight compatibility layer between dataframe libraries)

  • networkx 3.3 → 3.4.2 (Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks)

  • nltk 3.8.1 → 3.9.1 (Natural Language Toolkit)

  • notebook 7.2.1 → 7.3.1 (Jupyter Notebook - A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing)

  • numba 0.60.0 → 0.61.0rc2 (compiling Python code using LLVM)

  • numpy 2.0.1 → 2.1.3 (Fundamental package for array computing in Python)

  • openai 1.42.0 → 1.58.1 (The official Python library for the openai API)

  • optree 0.11.0 → 0.13.1 (Optimized PyTree Utilities.)

  • orjson 3.9.15 → 3.10.12 (Fast, correct Python JSON library supporting dataclasses, datetimes, and numpy)

  • packaging 24.1 → 24.2 (Core utilities for Python packages)

  • pandas 2.2.2 → 2.2.3 (Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics)

  • panel 1.5.0b4 → 1.5.4 (The powerful data exploration & web app framework for Python.)

  • pillow 10.4.0 → 11.0.0 (Python Imaging Library (Fork))

  • pip 24.2 → 24.3.1 (The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.)

  • pkginfo 1.9.6 → 1.11.2 (Query metadata from sdists / bdists / installed packages.)

  • plotly 5.23.0 → 5.24.1 (An open-source, interactive data visualization library for Python)

  • plotpy 2.6.2 → 2.7.0 (Curve and image plotting tools for Python/Qt applications)

  • polars 1.6.0 → 1.18.0 (Blazingly fast DataFrame library)

  • prompt_toolkit 3.0.47 → 3.0.48 (Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python)

  • pyarrow 17.0.0 → 18.1.0 (Python library for Apache Arrow)

  • pybind11 2.13.1 → 2.13.6 (Seamless operability between C++11 and Python)

  • pydantic 2.8.2 → 2.10.4 (Data validation using Python type hints)

  • pydantic_core 2.20.1 → 2.27.2 (Core functionality for Pydantic validation and serialization)

  • pymongo 4.7.2 → 4.10.1 (Python driver for MongoDB

  • pyodbc 5.1.0 → 5.2.0 (DB API module for ODBC)

  • Python 3.12.6 → 3.12.8 (Python programming language with standard library)

  • pythonqwt 0.12.7 → 0.14.2 (Qt plotting widgets for Python)

  • pywin32 306 → 308 (Python for Window Extensions)

  • pywinpty 2.0.12 → 2.0.14 (Pseudo terminal support for Windows from Python.)

  • pyyaml 6.0.1 → 6.0.2 (YAML parser and emitter for Python)

  • pyzmq 26.0.3 → 26.2.0 (Python bindings for 0MQ)

  • rapidfuzz 3.9.3 → 3.9.6 (rapid fuzzy string matching)

  • regex 2023.10.3 → 2024.11.6 (Alternative regular expression module, to replace re.)

  • requests 2.31.0 → 2.32.3 (Python HTTP for Humans.)

  • rich 13.7.1 → 13.9.4 (Render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting, markdown and more to the terminal)

  • rpds_py 0.13.2 → 0.22.3 (Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures (rpds))

  • scikit_image 0.24.0 → 0.25.0 (Image processing in Python)

  • scikit_learn 1.5.1 → 1.6.0 (A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining)

  • scs 3.2.4.post1 → 3.2.7 (Splitting conic solver)

  • setuptools 72.2.0 → 75.6.0 (Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages)

  • simplejson 3.19.2 → 3.19.3 (Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python)

  • sqlalchemy 2.0.30 → 2.0.35 (Database Abstraction Library)

  • starlette 0.37.2 → 0.41.3 (The little ASGI library that shines.)

  • statsmodels 0.14.2 → 0.14.4 (Statistical computations and models for Python)

  • streamlit 1.37.1 → 1.41.1 (A faster way to build and share data apps)

  • trio 0.26.2 → 0.27.0 (A friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O)

  • trove_classifiers 2023.2.20 → 2024.10.21.16 (Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (

  • ujson 5.8.0 → 5.10.0 (Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python)

  • websockets 12.0 → 13.1 (An implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455 & 7692))

  • winpython 10.7.20240908 → 11.2.20241228 (WinPython distribution tools, including WPPM)

  • wordcloud 1.9.3 → 1.9.4 (A little word cloud generator)

  • xarray 2024.7.0 → 2024.11.0 (N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python)

  • yarl 1.7.2 → 1.18.3 (Yet another URL library)

Removed packages:

  • dirty_cat 0.4.1 (Machine learning with dirty categories.)

  • email_validator 2.2.0 (A robust email address syntax and deliverability validation library.)

  • fastapi_cli 0.0.4 (Run and manage FastAPI apps from the command line with FastAPI CLI. 🚀)

  • httptools 0.6.1 (A collection of framework independent HTTP protocol utils.)

  • msvc_runtime 14.40.33807 (Install the Microsoft™ Visual C++™ runtime DLLs to the sys.prefix and Scripts directories)

  • pmdarima 2.0.4 (Python's forecast::auto.arima equivalent)

  • shellingham 1.5.0.post1 (Tool to Detect Surrounding Shell)

  • swifter 1.3.4 (A package which efficiently applies any function to a pandas dataframe or series in the fastest available manner)

  • tbats 1.1.0 (BATS and TBATS for time series forecasting)

  • typer 0.12.3 (Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.)

  • watchfiles 0.21.0 (Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload in python.)

13 Feb 2025

Xlight Released!

  • Fix a bug when executing an external program, unicode characters in the filename parameter is passed incorrectly to the external program.
  • Fixed a bug that SSH DSS host key is created incorrectly.
13 Feb 2025
12 Feb 2025

PHP February 2025 Bundle Released!

8.4.3 -
8.4.1 -
8.3.16 -
8.2.27 -


As of php 8.4.0 imap.dll is no longer included in php core files. Also there were changes with session configs so we have modified our .ini to reflect these changes.
Imagick support now included in php 8.4.x
E_STRICT no longer supported in php.ini

12 Feb 2025

MariaDB February 2025 Bundle

Security release!

Storage Engines


  • Fix possible InnoDB hang while running out of buffer pool (MDEV-35409)
  • Fix assertion failure on cascading foreign key update of table with vcol index in parent (MDEV-29182)
  • Fix potential issue in secondary Index with ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED and Change buffering enabled (MDEV-35679)
  • Fix issue where ON UPDATE SET NULL could not be specified on a NOT NULL column (MDEV-35445)
  • New parameter --skip-freed-pages for Innochecksum. Use this parameter to not get freed undo logs reported as existing undo log pages. (MDEV-35394)
  • Cloning of table statistics while saving the InnoDB table stats is now avoided (MDEV-35363)
  • InnoDB deadlock output query length increased to improve visibility of deadlocked statements. (MDEV-32576)


  • Fix possible crash on DELETE from a HEAP table (MDEV-22695)


  • Fix possible Spider thread hang in 'Update' state on 2nd INSERT (MDEV-35064)
  • Fix possible crash on bootup in spider_sys_open_table «ext-issue»«MDEV-32822», «ext-issue»«MDEV-34302» (MDEV-34925)


  • Fix incorrect formatting of timestamp during mariadb-binlog parsing of a binary log, causing point in time recovery discrepancies (MDEV-31761)
  • mariadb-binlog can now correctly process more than one logfile when --stop-datetime is specified (MDEV-35528)
  • Setting `pseudo_thread_id` to a value exceeding 4 bytes previously resulted in truncation when written to the binary log (MDEV-35646)
  • MariaDB now supports MySQL 8.0 binlog events, including PARTIAL_UPDATE_ROWS_EVENT, TRANSACTION_PAYLOAD_EVENT, and HEARTBEAT_LOG_EVENT_V2. (MDEV-35643)


  • Fix server crash in get_sort_by_table/make_join_statistics after INSERT into a view with ORDER BY (MDEV-29935)
  • Fix failing assertion causing disruption and replication failure (MDEV-24035)
  • Conditions with SP local variables are now pushed into derived table. Previous behaviour caused slow performance and table scans instead of using the pushed down condition (MDEV-35910)
  • NULL-aware materialization with IN predicate and single column no longer skips building sorted Ordered_key structures (MDEV-34665)
  • Fix possibly wrong result using a degenerated subquery (SELECT ) with window function (MDEV-35869)


  • History is now stored on the same partitions on different Galera nodes when system versioning is enabled (MDEV-35096)
  • Fix possible hang or crash during InnoDB purge with HASH indexes during ALTER TABLE (MDEV-25654)
  • EXCHANGE PARTITION now works for tables with unique blobs (MDEV-35612)
  • algorithm = instant can now correctly be used if a table has partitions and one tries to change a column with an index which is not the partitions key. This previously gave error "ERROR 1846 (0A000): ALGORITHM=INSTANT is not supported. Reason: ADD INDEX. Try ALGORITHM=NOCOPY". (MDEV-34813)

Character Sets

  • Fix assertion falilure and possible index corruption with unique key and nopad collation without DESC or HASH keys (MDEV-30111)
  • Fix client crash the command after client sets character set to utf32 (MDEV-34090)
  • Fix possible runtime error caused by XA RECOVER applying a zero offset to a null pointer (MDEV-35549)
  • Fix issue where functions in default values in tables with certain character sets could break SHOW CREATE and mariadb-dump (MDEV-29968)


  • Galera updated to 26.4.21
    • NOTE: Includes increasing the GCS protocol version, which prevents downgrades of individual nodes in the cluster as soon as all nodes nodes have been updated
  • Fix streaming replication transaction crash with innodb_snapshot_isolation (MDEV-35281)
  • Fix sporadic failure of async replication on Galera async replica nodes with parallel replication enabled (MDEV-35465)
  • Fix possible failure of wsrep_sst_rsync SST script if user specified aria_log_dir_path different from default data directory (MDEV-35387)
  • Fix cluster node hang during shutdown if threadpool is used (MDEV-35710)
  • MariaDB Cluster and ALTER INPLACE running in Total Order Isolation (wsrep_OSU_method=TOI) now correctly abort a DML INSERT operation in InnoDB (MDEV-33064)
  • Fix possible crash in wsrep_check_sequence (MDEV-33245)
  • Fix sporadic reporting of success when a deadlock error occurs under --ps-protocol BF aborted transaction (MDEV-35446)
  • Rows in table mysql.gtid_slave_pos are now correctly deleted on Galera nodes when wsrep_gtid_mode = 1 is used, which previously lead to wrong information about replica delays (MDEV-34924)
  • Undefined behavior could occur when attempting to perform INSERT DELAYED on a Galera cluster node. (MDEV-35852)
  • Fix issue where DROP TABLE on child and UPDATE of parent table can cause a metadata lock BF-BF conflict when applied concurrently. (MDEV-35018)
  • Galera protocol versions are now shown by show status - change available with installation of galera library 26.4.21+ (MDEV-35505)
  • Fix possible crash in wsrep_sst_mariabackup script when upgrading node in cluster from 10.11.9 to 10.11.10. (MDEV-35526)
  • no longer uses --use-memory default (100MB) resulting in prepare stage which could take hours (MDEV-35749)

Audit Plugin


  • Fix possible crash where server could not construct a geomery object from the input (MDEV-33987)
  • Fix trigger created with "CREATE TRIGGER `table1_after_insert` AFTER INSERT" which is adding rows to another table using "FOR EACH ROW insert into table2(`id`, `name`) values (NEW.`id`, NEW.`name`);" that did not work correctly when if bulk inserts are used by the application. Only the first row of the bulk insert would be added to the table (MDEV-34958)
  • After changing the table definition for the system table 'mysql.servers', a following execution of CREATE SERVER would previously lead to a server crash.
    • NOTE: System tables should never be modified by a user anyhow (MDEV-33783)
  • Fix connection hang after query on a partitioned table with UNION and LIMIT ROWS EXAMINED (MDEV-35571)
  • Fix possible crash during index traversal using `tree_search_next`. (MDEV-28130)
  • FIx assertion failure where CURRENT_USER was not correctly copied during condition pushdown (MDEV-35090)
  • START TRANSACTION, when triggering an implicit commit as a COMMIT or ROLLBACK has not been executed before, now resets optional characteristics added to the last START TRANSACTION command (MDEV-35335)
  • sql_mode='NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION' now works for multiple unsigned integers (MDEV-35651)
  • The "Failed to write to mysql.slow_log" error no longer shown without a detailed reason for the error (MDEV-20281)
  • Fix doublewrite recovery of innodb_checksum_algorithm=full_crc32 encrypted pages (MDEV-34898)
  • Can now correctly add a foreign key on a table with a long UNIQUE multi-column index that contains a foreign key as a prefix (MDEV-33658)
  • During an online table rebuild of an InnoDB statistics table, opt_search_plan_for_table() no longer sometimes degrades to full table scan (MDEV-35443)
  • Fix debian-start script failure when using non-standard socket path (MDEV-35907)
  • Fix possible hang or crash where zero offset applied to null pointer (MDEV-35864)
  • Fixed issue where ST_PointFromWKB ignored SRID parameter and returned 0 (MDEV-32619)
  • Fix possible hang during CREATE TABLE…SELECT error handling, especially with innodb_snapshot_isolation enabled (MDEV-35647)
  • Fix incorrect locking order of LOCK_log/LOCK_commit_ordered and LOCK_global_system_variables (MDEV-29744)
  • Fix rare cases where binlog entries could receive incorrect timestamps on secondary nodes of a Galera cluster, potentially impacting replication accuracy (MDEV-35157)
  • Fix possible memory leak on SHUTDOWN (MDEV-35326)
  • Fix possible memory leak while shutting down server after installing the auth_gssapi plugin (MDEV-35575)
  • Fix possible server crash when using INSERT DELAYED on tables with virtual columns. (MDEV-26891)
  • Fix possible Spider crash or hang when the first byte of a connection key is changed (MDEV-34849)
  • A BEFORE INSERT Trigger previously returned with error ""Field 'xxx' doesn't have a default value", if a NULL value is added for a column defined NOT NULL without explicit value and no DEFAULT specified (MDEV-19761)
  • Calling a stored routine that executes a join on three or more tables and referencing not-existent column name in the USING clause could previously result in a crash on its second invocation. (MDEV-24935)
  • Fix rare cases where binlog entries could receive incorrect timestamps on secondary nodes of a Galera cluster, potentially impacting replication accuracy (MDEV-35157)
12 Feb 2025

Memcached 1.6.36 Released!


Critical bugfix for the proxy when using an "internal" backend with extstore enabled. Does not affect the system otherwise.

The proxy's "internal cache" feature allows it to access cache objects from within itself, acting as both a proxy and a cache node. However when combined with extstore there was an error which could lead to memory corruption in some circumstances.


  • proxy: fix mcp.internal memory corruption
09 Feb 2025

Bruno 1.38.1 Released!

v1.38.1 Latest
What's Changed
Update package.json with keywords by @ganesh-bruno in usebruno/bruno#3728
Added Redux DevTools and React Developer Tools in dev build by @ramki-bruno in usebruno/bruno#3750
fix: file input element - replace the deprecated path prop by @lohxt1 in usebruno/bruno#3757
New Contributors
@ramki-bruno made their first contribution in usebruno/bruno#3750
Full Changelog: usebruno/bruno@v1.38.0...v1.38.1

09 Feb 2025

Mailpit 1.22.2 Released!


  • Replace http.FileServer with custom controller to correctly encode gzipped error responses for embed.FS
  • Enable browser cache for embedded web UI assets
  • Update Go dependencies
  • Update node dependencies / esbuild


  • Add missing "latest" route to message attachment API endpoint (#437)
  • Remove recursive HTML regeneration in embedded HTML view (#434)
09 Feb 2025

Apache 2.4.63 Released!

Apache httpd 2.4.63 is released as GA.

07 February 2025 Update, see Httpd 2.4.63 crash with Window 7

ASF and Apachelounge changes :

Important : NO security vulnerabilities fixed in 2.4.63, see .

VS17 Win32
The Win32 version is available again, see also discussion
Only build the with the standard Apache modules.
For non-standard modules (like mod_fcgid) use the VS16 Win32 ones at


Build with dependencies:

  • openssl 3.3.2
  • nghttp2 1.64.1
  • jansson 2.14
  • curl 8.11.1
  • apr 1.7.5
  • apr-util 1.6.3
  • apr-iconv 1.2.2
  • zlib 1.3.1
  • brotli 1.1.0
  • pcre2 10.44
  • libxml2 2.13.5
  • lua 5.4.7
  • expat 2.6.2

Notes VS17 OpenSSL 3.x.x:

  • Only PHP 8.2 and 8.1 (build with 3.x.x) is running as module.
    Running with mod_fcgid no issues seen.

For running as module, See also the post from user Otomatic and notes at

09 Feb 2025

Composer 2.8.5 Released!


  • Added build provenance attestation so you can also now download and verify phar files from GitHub releases:

    gh release --repo composer/composer download --pattern composer.phar gh attestation verify --repo composer/composer composer.phar
  • Fixed unsupported funding values causing parse errors in packages (#12247)

  • Fixed support for a few newer funding formats (#12257)

  • Fixed InstalledVersions regression from 2.8.4 when reload() is used (#12269)

  • Fixed psr-0/psr-4 rules having unstable order in vendor/composer/autoload*.php (#12263)

  • Fixed a few warnings happening incorrectly in edge cases (#12284, #12268, #12283)

09 Feb 2025

Git 2.47.1 & 2.8.0-rc2 Released!

Git 2.47.1

Changes since Git for Windows v2.47.0(2) (October 22nd 2024)

This release comes with the first early native git-for-windows/git#3107, ready for testing (the included Git Bash is actually not native, for technical reasons, but the git.exe is a native ARM64 executable). Please report any issues!

New Features
Comes with Git v2.47.1.
Comes with cURL v8.11.0.
Comes with Git LFS v3.6.0.
Bug Fixes
Due to a bug introduced in the v2.47 cycle, git-for-windows/git#5231, which was git-for-windows/build-extra#578.
A potential crash in Git Bash on Insider versions of Windows/ARM64 git-for-windows/msys2-runtime#76.
On Windows/ARM64, running the 64-bit version of Git for Windows could infrequently cause deadlocked threads (see e.g. msys2/msys2-autobuild#62 or this one), git-for-windows/msys2-runtime#73.

Git 2.48.0-rc2

Git for Windows Pre-release
Changes since Git for Windows v2.47.1 (November 25th 2024)

New Features
Comes with Git v2.48.0-rc2.
Comes with cURL v8.11.1.
Comes with MinTTY v3.7.7.
New Git for Windows installation git-for-windows/build-extra#586.
Bug Fixes
The installer now correctly blocks the installation on Windows 7 and Windows 8 as these versions of Windows are no longer supported since Git for Windows v2.47.0
When using the cache credential helper, it could error out with "fatal: unable to connect to cache daemon: Unknown error" under certain circumstances; This git-for-windows/git#5329.

Our Supporters

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