Select your language


Create a new language file

  • Edit one of the language files like the English one in bearsampp\core\langs\english.lng.
  • %s character is a mixed arg.
  • @nl@ character is a carriage return.
  • If the value starts with a # character, it’s a new string to translate.
  • The language’s file has to be encoding in UTF-8 (without BOM).
  • Create a pull request or attach the file to a new issue.
  • Of course your name will be mentionned for your contribution.

Update a language file

  • Search for text starting with "# and update the content.

Test your language file

  • If you want to test your language file, paste the file in bearsampp\core\langs\
  • Launch or reload Bearsampp (right click > Reload on the taskbar icon)
  • Select the language in the taskbar icon (right click -> Language menu)
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