phpMyAdmin 5.2.2 is released
Welcome to the release of phpMyAdmin version 5.2.2, the "I should have released this sooner" release. This is primarily a bugfix release but also contains a few security fixes as noted below.
- fix possible security issue in sql-parser which could cause long execution times that could create a DOS attack (thanks to Maximilian Krög
- fix an XSS vulnerability in the check tables feature (PMASA-2025-1, thanks to bluebird
- fix an XSS vulnerability in the Insert tab (PMASA-2025-2, thanks to frequent contributor Kamil Tekiela
- fix possible security issue with library code slim/psr7 (CVE-2023-30536)
- fix possible security issue relating to iconv (CVE-2024-2961, PMASA-2025-3)
- fix a full path disclosure in the Monitoring tab
- issue #18268 Fix UI issue the theme manager is disabled
- issue Allow opening server breadcrumb links in new tab with Ctrl/Meta key
- issue #19141 Add cookie prefix '-__Secure-' to cookies to help prevent cookie smuggling
- issue #18106 Fix renaming database with a view
- issue #18120 Fix bug with numerical tables during renaming database
- issue #16851 Fix ($cfg['Order']) default column order doesn't have have any effect since phpMyAdmin 4.2.0
- issue #18258 Speed improvements when exporting a database
- issue #18769 Improved collations support for MariaDB 10.10
There are many, many more fixes that you can see in the ChangeLog file included with this release or online at
Downloads are available now at
For the phpMyAdmin team, Isaac