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17 Jul 2022

Yarn Classic is Released. #82

Two versions are released.
1.22.4 featuring node-v12.18.3-x86
1.22.19 featuring node-v16.16.0-x64
These are the final release of yarn classic. see #81 for updating to yarn 4.

17 Jul 2022

XDebugClient 1.0b5 Released #80

This is an archival release. The software hasn't been updated since 2009. When it stops functioning it will be dropped.
17 Jul 2022

Websvn 2.7.0 Released #79

Websvn 2.7.0 is released
17 Jul 2022

Webgrind 1.9.2 Released #78

Webgrind 1.9.2 is released
17 Jul 2022

SVN Released #77

SVN 1.14.2 & 1.9.4 are released
17 Jul 2022

Ruby Released #75

Ruby 2.6.3-1 and 3.1.2-1 are released
17 Jul 2022

Python Released #74

python 3.7.02 is released based on pyqt4.
16 Jul 2022

Postgresql Released #72

This release includes 11.3 and 14.4.1
16 Jul 2022

phpPgAdmin 7.13.0 is Released #71

This hasn't been updated in a few years. This will be the last release to support PHP 7.2. php 5.x support is dropped. 
7.13.0 release
16 Jul 2022

phpMyAdmin is Released #70

phpMyadmin 4.9.1 and 5.2.0 are released.
5.2.0 is a rerelease
5.1.1 is deprecated and may not function
15 Jul 2022

phpmemadmin is Released #69

This is the final archival release. The software has been abandoned so when it no longer works it will be removed.
15 Jul 2022

Php 8.0.13 update Release #68

Php 8.0.13 has been repaired and is rereleased.

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